Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

As of today, it has been one year since I started transitioning.  It's also been slightly more than 6 months since I went full-time as me.  I took my first estrogen pill on June 1st of last year.  Since then, I've had quite a roller coaster ride of a life.  My wife divorced me.  I now only see my kids part of the week rather than every day.  I have made a ton of new friends, about half of whom are trans.  I realized that I am indeed a lesbian.  Despite the fact that I've primarily dated women my entire life, I had to make sure I wasn't suppressing some latent attraction to men.  I wasn't.  I had to go on disability from my job because of the stress and depression brought on by all these changes.  I've learned a lot about myself and how I interact with others.  And I've had the most wonderful days of my life.