Monday, April 29, 2013

Dear Social Security,

Why are you so interested in the state of my genitals? You won't ever see them or interact with them. They are called private parts for a reason. If it's THAT important to you, YOU pay for the damned surgery.

The other agencies (the California court, the DMV, the passport agency), don't seem to care. They just want to know that I've had proper clinical treatment for transition. That seems a reasonable request.

Why is this important to you? The gender marker doesn't even appear on the card you issue. I don't even know why the marker is in your database. The lady at the counter looked at my court order and scoffed at the part where it says that the court orders my gender be changed. Apparently some SS offices are fine with just a court order, and that's enough. But not this one. So it is sort of a crapshoot.

So this office (or maybe it was just the lady) wants proof that I did the surgery. How is that even her business?

Luckily, I can still get my new driver's license with my new gender on it without dealing with the SS (I only really need the SS office to change my name), the DMV doesn't care about that crap. But I'm going to have this odd mismatch with the SS marker until I can convince them to fix it. Annoying!

A note about transgender surgery: This is not a one-size-fits all solution. Not all bits start out the same, not everyone can afford 20 to 80 grand, not everyone is healthy enough that the surgery is safe for them, and not everyone even WANTS to do it for various personal reasons.

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