Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am a transwoman, I started my transformation last year, and it has been a fascinating process. A lot of the changes I expected: thinner body hair, more hair on top of my head, vocal shifts, softer skin, breast growth, etc. However, there are a few that nobody warned me about and I didn't expect:

I get cold more easily. I guess testosterone makes the body burn more energy constantly. I used to be a very warm-bodied person, my ex called me her heater, since she gets cold easily as well. I am no longer a heater. It's not a bad thing, just very much an unexpected difference.

My consciousness moved. The spatial location in my head that I identify as me has moved closer to my eyes. I don't know if that's just from the hormone changes or if it is simply an adjustment of perspective because I am now living a more authentic life. I know it sounds kind of hokey, I can hardly believe it myself, but here I am experiencing it, so there.

My nails chip all the time! No, see... I've always grown out my nails, even when I presented as male. They never ever chipped this often. Argh! I don't know if it is the nail polish, the hormones, or maybe even the change in my diet since I started hormones, but it is annoying. I took some biotin supplements for several months, but that didn't seem to help at all. Oh well.

My eyes are cuter. Might be from the weight loss (I lost 55lbs since I started the transition). It might be because I am happier. But to me, my eyes seem more open and my eyelashes are a little thicker. Yay.

I no longer play games to escape. I play still games, but now it is just to have fun or for the challenge. I don't need to escape the real world anymore. I've actually gotten kind of fond of the real world now that I am living authentically.

Just some fun little tidbits I thought I'd share, since they amuse me so.

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